My research shows the best way to go with a carb cleaner is to purchase Berryman's Chem B-9 Carb and Parts Cleaner.
You can purchase a 1-gallon container with a strainer inside from your local auto parts store for about $18.00. This will last you many many years. Only clean your carb and fuel filter in it. Do NOT gunk it up with other parts.
For the SS180 I will buy a 14 oz container for $4.00, because I have no need for 1-gallon since my Lambretta did not include a carb with it. I only have a fuel filter, so this amount will be enough to clean both filters.
Here's how to use it:
1) remove all o-rings and gaskets or watch them blow-up like a twinkie in micro wave (and worse contaminate your cleaner)
2) soak you item for a few hours or over night in the bucket with the strainer
3) remove it
4) wash it off thoroughly with fresh water
5) use brake cleaner spray can to clean it off and get the water off. The brake cleaner will evaporate.
These steps are thorough and you will be able to relax afterwards without a concern in the world.
Viola you're done!
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