Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Layshaft Disassembly

Quite over due and finally . . . I am back to working on the VSC and getting that clutch grind sound solved. The two prospective culprits for the sound are the layshaft or the clutch. Therefore, I will rebuild both since the engine is open and they are both out.

Prior to this project, I got both my wife's and my Bajaj Chetaks running again and then sold via Craigslist. Both bikes had been sitting for quite a while. My wife's bike's flywheel rivets sheared off and I replaced the flywheel, while my bike required a lot more trouble shooting to determine the problem from rebuilding the carb to installing a new spark plug resistor cap and spark plug. You can read about those repairs here. Now we are looking to buy a Vespa P200 for my daily rider.

I also had my 1962 Lambretta TV175's front fender repaired. You can read about that here.

Furthermore, if you are or know a teacher in public education, like myself, then you know how it feels to interview mid-summer for work every summer, because the economy is crap.

The layshaft disassembly went well and at close inspection, without surprise, Christopher M. did a great job rebuilding it when he rebuilt the engine only 15 miles ago. I felt bad tearing it down, but better safe than sorry. I bought a layshaft rebuild kit I will install.

You will note that the top plate is warped looking. According to Gene M. the only way to avoid that is to have a machine that installs all the rivets at once at the same time for even distribution. The small warping does not hurt the function.

The only pain in the butt was removing the rivets once I got the top and bottom plates off. It required a lot of drilling and Dremel grinding and patience. I was stressed I would grind the "seat" where the plate rests or the lip the plate rests against and twice, by accident, I hit it extremely lightly. I wish I had the attachment for the circular blade for my Dremel. That would have been best I think. I rarely need it and it costs quite a bit for the limited use I would give it.

Tomorrow I hope to rebuild the layshaft with new parts. Christopher M. did install a sealed bearing into the layshaft and I will remove one seal so the oil can get in there the way Vespa intended it to. In the mean time I am soaking my new corks for the clutch.

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