Saturday, 6 August 2011

The Svalan Scooter flies again

More work getting the wheel off, compared to a Vespa.

Yes, time to overhaul my Swedish 1954 Svalan Scooter. Last time I rode it was in February this year, on a absoluteley freezing day, minus 22 degrees Celsius. Of course there was a flat tire, due to rubbish rubber? Modern inner tubes seems to have more plastic than rubber in them.
The reason for the fixing of the Svalan is a competition. Who has the fastest 128 cc? I will compete against a 1950 Maraton and 1950 Speed, both Swedish motorcycles with the same two-geared engine as my Svalan Scooter.
Changing a tyre on a Vespa is as you know easy-peasy. This was trickier; chain, chain-adjuster, back fork, and you cant split the rim in half!
Halfway I considered just taking a old wheel with original tyre and tube from the fifties, of the Swedish Värnamo Gummifabrik's make. The company started 1927 and was terminated 2000.
But I managed to fit the new inner tube in the end.
Then I discovered some severe wear where the body and the frame of the scooter is assembled. My friend Jim had to weld it together.
So, I and my scooter is ready for battle!

The new inner tube, of the Pirelli brand!

A spare wheel to a Svalan Scooter.

With an old Swedish tyre of the Värnamo brand.

Here is where welding was necessary.

The Svalan Scooter 1954, ready for a fight!

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