"NO! NO! NO! I SAID VESPA DOPP KIT!!! NOT VESPA DOG KIT!!!" This month's post covers items to keep in your "Vespa Dopp Kit". Having these items with you will get you out of many roadside emergencies. Unless you live in a City with a Vespa Dealer I recommend you keep your Dopp kit with your Vespa at all times, not just when you're scooter touring. The reason being is that it's not always easy to find a conveniently located Vespa dealer in most parts of the country and most Vespa dealers parts departments are usually horribly stocked. Obviously, if you use your Vespa to putt putt around town you won't need to lug the oil and filter around so put it in a separate Ziploc bag and store it someplace handy for when you decide to venture away from home.
Spark Plug Correct Modern Vespa spark plugs are
ONLY manufactured by CHAMPION*. If you go to an independent shop, the counter person may try to sell you an NGK or NipponDenso brand plug. They may also offer you an Iridium plug and talk it up, promising increases in performance and fuel economy but this is false. The reason shops try to "upsell" you on these other plugs are simple- it's a pain in the ass getting the correct ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT plug UNLESS you have a friend at Vespa. The profit margin on aftermarket plugs is greater than on Original Equipment Parts too, yes, it's all about the $$$. Vespa engineers have spend thousands of hours, thousands of Euros and destroyed hundreds of motors trying to figure out what is the best plug for your specific model. ONLY USE THE CORRECT PLUG! ***Different markets & different models may use other manufacturers but here in the USA, all vespa scooters take Champions EXCEPT 50cc models.
Spark Plug Cap Another part that is Vespa specific AND model specific. Many Vespa shops don't keep this item in stock but if this part fails or more likely, falls off, your trip is over! This is another MUST HAVE item, especially on GT200 & GTS250ie models. The cap screws into the spark plug wire and "snaps" onto the spark plug. I've had many new scooters get towed in because the cap wasn't properly secured at the factory. Make sure you also ask for the spark plug cap insulator, it's a rubber boot that is VITAL for keeping cooling air from escaping the cooling shroud on ET4 & LX150 models. It also serves to insulate against static from interfering with your CDI.
5W40 Full Synthetic Motor Oil Yes, it HAS to be 5W40 and yes, it has to be full synthetic! It doesn't matter if it's AGIP, Selenia, MOTUL. You will need up to 1300cc's of oil, depending on your model. Which means you should keep two 1 liter size bottles on hand. You can keep the oil at your house when you're just riding around town but when you're touring keep them under the seat or better yet in the top-case of your scooter. Be sure to put them in Ziploc bags in case they leak!!!
Assortment of Zip Ties Great for all kinds of fixes.
Fuses Modern Vespa scooters use ATC aka blade type fuses. They are marked by amp rating and color coded too. Get two of each of the fuses shown here, at least.
Oil Filter You're going cross country, fulfilling a life long dream of seeing both Pacific and Atlantic Oceans on your Vespa. In Nebraska you need an oil change. Only problem is--- there are no Vespa dealers in the entire State! Original Vespa oil filters are small, inexpensive and you need to have one.
Flat Repair Kit You have a few options here. There's quick and easy power-sports specific fix-a-flat in an aerosol can and there is also the "old school" rope type tire plug kit. There is also CO2 kits. ALL are good
TEMPORARY fixes to get you to a tire shop and have the tire
REPLACED. I'm sure there are readers out there that will say- "I plugged my tire and got another XXXX number of miles out of it" Well, I have also plugged tires and used them until the tire wore out, but, I never took a plugged tire on the freeway or at speeds over 40mph or any great distance away from the City. I can't recommend something I wouldn't do myself.
Tire Gauge When was the last time you went to a gas station that had a tire gauge on the air-hose? OK... when was the last time you felt confident that the gauge was accurate? Invest in a good quality gauge like the one shown here, the hose will save your hands from getting burnt on the hot exhaust.
Rags Get 3 or 4 shop rags in your kit. Wipe up spills, check your oil, wipe bugs off the headlight, whatever you need.
Latex Gloves 3 or 4 pairs in your kit and you'll keep your hands clean, you don't want to wipe your oily hands on your pant legs do you?
So there you have it, Part 1 of the MODERN VESPA DOPP KIT. Next month I'll post on what tools are good to keep on hand along with some optional items. If you have any suggestions or would like to share what you keep in your kit, please feel free to comment. Ride Safe! Tom.