Tuesday, 31 May 2011
"x encontrado."
Lembram-se disto?
O som de fitas métricas a desenrolarem-se ecoou pelo reino fora, de horizonte a horizonte, por montanhas e campos, da cidade grande ao vilarejo isolado, e as vossas medições do quadro de Sprint começaram a chegar:365mm
370mm (VBB)
e, finalmente, 8 medições "entre 370 e 375mm".Comparando estes novos dados com os da posta anterior, chego à ténue conclusão
O som de fitas métricas a desenrolarem-se ecoou pelo reino fora, de horizonte a horizonte, por montanhas e campos, da cidade grande ao vilarejo isolado, e as vossas medições do quadro de Sprint começaram a chegar:365mm
370mm (VBB)
e, finalmente, 8 medições "entre 370 e 375mm".Comparando estes novos dados com os da posta anterior, chego à ténue conclusão
Monday, 30 May 2011
Técnica - carburadores
Se são dos que gostam de sujar as mãos e ou tentar perceber um pouco mais de como a vossa Vespa funciona, vão gostar deste link: http://www.webercarburatori.com/?p=handbook.LEGENDA1 - Agulha2 - Boia3 - Despersor4 - Gigleur médias5 - Gigleur altas6 - Gigleur baixas7 - Regulação combustível / ar8 - Regulação ralenti9 - Guilhotina10 - Gigleur arranque ("ar aberto")11 - Abertura do arOs princípios
A Lambretta de 1 euro
Mais uma para a mini-colecção. Onde é que eu já vi aquele padrão floreado?
À primeira vista pode parecer uma série II com três rodas e mecanismo de corda, mas isso não é importante. O importante é: tem barrote? Bem, o ponteiro está colado nos 70 e os números vão até aos 100. Como a matrícula é amarela, parto do princípio que esta é uma Lambretta Inglesa, e já sabemos como é que essas são...
À primeira vista pode parecer uma série II com três rodas e mecanismo de corda, mas isso não é importante. O importante é: tem barrote? Bem, o ponteiro está colado nos 70 e os números vão até aos 100. Como a matrícula é amarela, parto do princípio que esta é uma Lambretta Inglesa, e já sabemos como é que essas são...
Sunday, 29 May 2011
The 1951 faro basso Vespa
This is the faro basso (low light or lampe unten) from the very first post in my blog. Thought it was time to show all of it. Somehow the Vespa is very beautiful in it's sad state.
It was destined for the scrapyard when a friend of mine showed up at the old farmhouse to valuate an old Mercedes-Benz. Fortunately he thought of me and rescued the Vespa. The engine is seized, no side cowls or saddle. The road is visible through the floor...
It also seems to have been repainted sometime in a primer-like colour. I like that it has no speedometer, from 1953 the Vespa 125 (VM1) were sold in Sweden with a speedo as standard.
The plans? Well, I have some other scooters in line for restoration...
Could this in a distant future be a basis for Sei Giorni-replica?
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The fan cowl was filled with material from the nature. The work of ants? |
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The headlamp has been seriously beaten. |
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The gas tank, I haven't examined it. Will there be rust? |
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No cylinder-cowl, I think I have a spare one. |
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Vespa Club banners
During Vespa World Days 2011 I took some photos of banners from some of the Vespa Clubs. Here you can see more banners.
Friday, 27 May 2011
Para gastar o reembolso do IRS
Quando o Apocalipse chegar, na fatídica data de 21 de Dezembro de 2012, vamos andar todos com capacetes Agatha Ruiz de la Prada recomendados pela revista Caras em cima de PXizers "novas" testadas pela revista Caras.
Até lá, muitos scooteristas permanecem convictos que a velocidade da sua Vespa e do consumo das reservas mundiais de petróleo é insuficiente. A Pinasco tem feito horas
Até lá, muitos scooteristas permanecem convictos que a velocidade da sua Vespa e do consumo das reservas mundiais de petróleo é insuficiente. A Pinasco tem feito horas
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Sinais de início de época e de fim do scooterismo
Os sinais do Apocalipse vindouro continuam a surgir com alarmante regularidade, mas até hoje ainda não se me tinha apresentado um sinal claro e inequívoco que comprovasse a abertura da época 2011, ponto a partir do qual já é seguro para as Vespas de bom tempo sairem à rua.
Há três épocas atrás a "andorinha" foi uma 50s restaurada mas com sinoblocos paridos (S.P.), este ano foi ver duas PXs "
Há três épocas atrás a "andorinha" foi uma 50s restaurada mas com sinoblocos paridos (S.P.), este ano foi ver duas PXs "
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Inspect Your Tires for YOUR Safety.

With riding season in full swing, now is the time to take a few minutes to inspect the condition of your tires. Cracks, bulges, cuts, lumps and foreign objects are all indicators of tire issues. Make sure your tire pressures are correct and adjusted appropriately for riding solo or with a passenger or carrying luggage. Under inflation causes excessive flexing, deterioration of the casing and rapid shoulder wear. Fuel consumption also increases. Over inflation may result in an uncomfortable ride, a reduced contact patch and accelerated wear in the center of the tread. It also makes the tire more susceptible to impact damage. Thankfully we don't have many potholes here in San Francisco... yeah right!
Tread depth should also be inspected as this plays a vital role in removing any water from the road surface, allowing the tire to grip wet roads. The MINIMAL legal tread depth is 1mm across three quarters of the width of the tread pattern. For safety I recommended replacing tires at 2mm. Here are a few tips for you to keep in mind when inspecting your tires:
1. Check tire pressures from cold at least once a week.
2. Inflate tires to the recommended level.
3. Inspect tires for cuts, bulges, uneven wear and foreign objects embedded into the tread.
4. Ensure valve stem caps are in place as they keep dirt away from the valve core and act as a secondary air seal.
5. Inspect rims for cracks and dents. If you find any the rim should be replaced immediately.
6. Measure tread depth - remember 1mm is the MINIMUM legal limit.
7. Check the condition of the valve stems.
8. Check that both tires are from the same manufacturer and have the same tread pattern - this is of VITAL importance.
9. Check that directional tires are fitted the right way round by checking the directional arrows on the sidewall.
10. Keep tires clean. Use detergent to remove oil and grease.
11. Ensure that the tires installed are correct for your scooter AND your riding style. In other words- CHECK THE SPEED RATING! Scooter tires are typically rated either L or P. What does that mean? An "L" rated tire is capable of a MAXIMUM speed of 75mph. A "P" rated tire is capable of a MAXIMUM speed of 95mph. Factory supplied tires are the BEST choice for your Vespa.
Carinas em Aveiro
A Automobilia de 2011 contou com uma pequena exposição dedicada à scooter nacional por excelência, a Casal Carina S170. Foi bom verificar que há pessoas interessadas neste veículo emblemático e na sua divulgação e preservação.
Antes de passarmos ao canto específico da Carina, podia-se achar isto na zona comum dos pavilhões:
Apenas 700 exemplares? A minha humilde lista de factos calcula um
Antes de passarmos ao canto específico da Carina, podia-se achar isto na zona comum dos pavilhões:
Apenas 700 exemplares? A minha humilde lista de factos calcula um
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
More pics rideout/raduno VWD 2011
I had hoped that the live-blogging from Vespa World Days 2011 in Gjövik, Norway, should have gone better. Well, the tele-connections were not on my side. Here is the pictures during the rideout to Lillehammer.
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At the start of the rideout/raduno on friday. |
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We're off! Downhill from the camping on top of Gjövik. |
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Vespas in a very long row. 400-500 were participating. |
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One hand on the handlebars, one on the camera. |
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Life in a northern town, this Vespisti is from Trondheim in Norway. |
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Vespa Club Città Bianca's driver on a, white, Vespa GS 160. |
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I think this rider is from Vespa Club Pordenone. |
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So is this one. |
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Very anonymous... |
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This is Ronnie from Blacksmith's Scooter Club, Sweden. |
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Celebrating Italia's 150th anniversary? |
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This might be a rider from Vespa Club Lund, Sweden. |
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One of the oldest, a faro basso 1953 or 1954, from VC Malonno, Italy. |
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Here they come again! |
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Through a tunnel near Lillehammer. |
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A practical combo, the PAV is useful. |
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Nice view in Lillehammer. |
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Some of us had trouble finding the right way. |
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That's me! Reflecting on a Vespa... |
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And the Vespa 180 SS I had to borrow. |
Automobilia de Aveiro
Mais uma Automobilia, mais uma rotação à volta do astro Sol, mais uma época de estrada e mecânica. Confesso que não prestei muita atenção às bancas este ano, e abdiquei da habitual segunda passagem mais detalhada, onde me ajoelho à frente de cada caixote e permaneço nessa posição até inventariar por completo o seu conteúdo. Talvez seja um misto de familiaridade, cash flow diminuto, o facto de não
Monday, 23 May 2011
Guindaste LML. A sério.
Tive um fim-de-semana repleto de actividades culturais, desportivas e sociais, e isso significa que não há tempo para meter algo mais elaborado que uma mera P.S.C.O. (Posta Sem Conteúdo Original). Assim, eis uma LML a servir de guindaste nas obras. A sério. (dica do Vasco, obrigado!)
Vídeo de sreekanthframes
E agora com uma banda sonora decente. :-)
Vídeo de sreekanthframes
E agora com uma banda sonora decente. :-)
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Rideout to Lillehammer, VWD 2011
On friday there was a rideout to Lillehammer, host of the 1994 winter olympics. About 500 Vespas (and one Lambretta!) joined in for the 120 km tour. The oldest was a 1950 "Rod" model, from Sweden, and a italian 1954 VM2-model. Fortunately the route was beside the big E6-road. Nice backroads, with lot of curves.
20 minutes before start I discovered a flat backtire on my Vespa U, due to a small nail. I changed to the 50 year old sparewheel, only to discover that the hub was a bit loose. Thank's to Vespa Club Stockholm I could loan a 180 SS. Big difference in performance!
On top of Lillehammer all the vespistis could enjoy the breathtaking view.
I have some nice pictures from along the rideout, hope to show them tomorrow.
On top of the mountain above Lillehammer.
The Lambretta who sneaked in among the Vespas.
I had to borrow this Vespa 180 SS from Paka, member of Vespa Club Stockholm. Luckily enough they had an extra Vespa with them. Twice the horsepower compared to my Vespa U.
Vespa Club Roma was represented, one of the oldest clubs as you can see. The big tent in the background was for the pub-nights and the gala dinner.
20 minutes before start I discovered a flat backtire on my Vespa U, due to a small nail. I changed to the 50 year old sparewheel, only to discover that the hub was a bit loose. Thank's to Vespa Club Stockholm I could loan a 180 SS. Big difference in performance!
On top of Lillehammer all the vespistis could enjoy the breathtaking view.
I have some nice pictures from along the rideout, hope to show them tomorrow.
On top of the mountain above Lillehammer.
The Lambretta who sneaked in among the Vespas.
I had to borrow this Vespa 180 SS from Paka, member of Vespa Club Stockholm. Luckily enough they had an extra Vespa with them. Twice the horsepower compared to my Vespa U.
Vespa Club Roma was represented, one of the oldest clubs as you can see. The big tent in the background was for the pub-nights and the gala dinner.
More from Vespa World Days
Some more pictures from the Vespa World Days in Gjövik. A little connection trouble is the answer to why the pics weren't published yesterday. And the fact that I enjoyed myself with riding, talking and deal with the thirst. More pictures in a new article later this evening.
Lineup outside the camping area.
Some Vespas from Sweden.
Peter Allgoth from Vespa Club Lund from Sweden switched sticker and bannet with a portuguese Vespisti.
Che cose 'e? Of course it's a Cosa. Below an english gentleman on Vespa GS.
Lineup outside the camping area.
Some Vespas from Sweden.
Peter Allgoth from Vespa Club Lund from Sweden switched sticker and bannet with a portuguese Vespisti.
Che cose 'e? Of course it's a Cosa. Below an english gentleman on Vespa GS.
Friday, 20 May 2011
Serra da Estrela na REV
Lembram-se do passeio à Estrela do VCL? Tive a felicidade de poder escrever um artigozito sobre isso na revista REV. Os ménes ficaram contentes com o material mas tenho que me esforçar ainda mais na fotografia - o nível das "chapas" que por lá andam é qualquer coisa de estratosférico!
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Vespa World Days has started
The Vespa World Days 2011 in Gjövik, Norway, is in full swing. After a warm sunny day the temperature has fallen to 5-6 degrees plus. The camping site is practically full with scooters and tents. Driving is still going on.
Some pictures from the day:
Some pictures from the day:
Scooters na REV, parte 3-b-XXVII-alfa
A primeira época da REV TV - o único espaço audio-visual nacional dedicado às duas rodas motorizadas - chegou ao fim, e hoje até deve estar nas bancas o número 5 desta revista de motas inovadora, que comemora simultaneamente o seu primeiro ano de existência. Se quiserem espreitar, posso adiantar-vos em exclusivo que há lá um artigo com Vespas.
De novo a Horta incumbiu-se a tarefa de registar os
De novo a Horta incumbiu-se a tarefa de registar os
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Isto e aquilo
Hoje sinto-me um bocado cansado, acho que devem ser parasitas tropicais no cérebro ou algo do género. Assim, ficam aqui apenas alguns apontamentos do que se tem passado na Horta. Primeiro, parti um cabo de acelerador à noite, num sítio mal iluminado. A coisa reparou-se em 10 minutos mas o óleo nas unhas durou uns três dias.
Não sei de onde saiu aquela anilha mas já fez mais kms ali que muitas
Não sei de onde saiu aquela anilha mas já fez mais kms ali que muitas
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Servetta Jet200 frame $200 from Craiglist
I just bought the following for my mentor Mike in So. Cal. who has a set of Jet200 cases that need a frame.

My commission for picking up the tire is the spare tire holder -- actually I asked Mike if he was married to it and he gave it to me. Now I need to determine if it is considered period correct for my restoration.
I think he paid a fair price for what he bought.

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