This will likely be my next purchase. Here is what I need I need to buy to rebuild my engine:
$0 -- Gasket Set - TV 175 Ser 3 (bought already at $22)
$2 -- Flange - Rear Hub Seal Holding Plate
$2 -- Engine Rubber Bumpstop
$1 -- Washer - Engine Rubber Bumpstop
$12 -- Qty. 2 Cone Engine Bolt - TV
$1 -- Distance Nut Spacing Cylinder Cover 8mmx30
$2 -- Kickstart Rubber Bumpstop
$1 -- Deep Nut - 8mm for Exhaust/Engine Case
$1 -- Qty: 4 Endplate Nut 7mm Jam
$1 -- Qty: 4 Washer, Split Lock 7mm
$2 -- 6mm Grease Nipple
$11 -- Oil Drain Plug Magnetic
$1 -- Oil Throw Washer A16
$20 -- Driveside Bearing Li/SX
$23 -- Seak Ser - 5 Engine Seal ROLF
$2 -- Qty: 4 Drive Side Oil Seal Plate Screw
$3 -- Spacer, Seal Retainer - Mag
$2 -- Spacer, Bearing Spacer - Mag
$8 -- Small End Bearing - 16mm
$2 -- Circlip - Internal 52nn - Nag Flange
$0000 -- Bearing - Magneto - TV 175
$16 -- Mainshaft Ball Bearing
$8 -- Bearing - Mainshaft Needle Roller
$6 -- Kickstart Pad in black
$11 -- Bearing - Layshaft Needle Bearing
$2 -- Qty: 2 Ball Bearing - Cruciform
$22 - Qty: 2 Bearing - Clutch Sprocket Needle Roller
Rough Estimate Prior Tax/Shipping: $186.00 (Note: all figures rounded up so I expect price will be slightly less)
I still need to determine:
1) What brand engine mounts will I use?
2) Which electronic ignition will I use?