The GS Super Sport
Known as the SS180 Super Sport
Piaggio came out with this robust model in 1964, read more about it here at pistonported.com
I've never been what you'd call a purist when it comes to the Vespa, but I did always have my poster model that I wanted. The elusive GS seemed to be the much sought after model by Vespa people everywhere dreaming of their favourite or most desired scooter. It was on my list (still is I guess) for many years but having recently purchased a '67 SS180 I think I can safely say, this is it. I love her and from what I have read over the years she will treat me to some great power and reliable performance when I finally get her up and running and tuned properly, including replacing all dodgey bits for NOS if I can find it. Luckily I have established a big network of scooter parts suppliers worldwide for my parts business so I am hoping that finding crucial bits and bobs won't be too hard. I am very lucky to have found an SS in this condition, albeit under some shitty cheapo chrome and 2 tone paintjob, but the bits I need to be working well are all fine and the work is mostly fiddling with electrics and updating things I need to be A1 for safety, like brakes, cables, lights, tyres and that's all pretty easy for this scooterchick to handle :)
more to come
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