Thursday, 3 November 2011

Warm Sunny Days, Cool Crisp Nights, Indian Summer... Vespa Style!

Nothing beats the weather the Bay Area gets this time of year. The days are warm and sunny, but, as soon as the sun goes down there's a refreshing chill in the air. It's seriously the best time of year to be here. The masses of tourists have all headed home leaving us, the locals, with a summer all our own- Indian Summer! If you do happen to be a tourist or just want to be a tourist in your own "town" then consider this- Wine Country Vespa Tours. Wine Country Vespa takes you through NAPA Counties beautiful countryside with occasional stops along the way, at Wineries and other local businesses. You'll be zipping along on a Vespa, helmetless yelling "CIAO BELLA!!!" at all the lovely ladies along the way... OK, you'll be wearing a helmet yelling "ciao bella" to all the people in your group.

If you live in San Francisco and have a Vespa, or any scooter for that matter, and want to see the City through the eyes of a tourist check this out

Ah... I love my VESPA, I love my CITY, it's a good time to be alive! CIAO BELLA!

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