My first purchase was an original (Italian) collar for the switch. When I bought the bike Stu told me this would be one of the more difficult parts to the find that was missing from the bike. This collar is specific to the TV -- the Li model switch would not fit; although non-switch side collar will fit just fine (and I need it). I did have the switch and wiring though. I began looking for this part right away. According to Stu and Tom G. they were confident I would find one and Stu guessed the price at $50 tops. I posted on BBS and asked people to keep an eye out, but they all told me that I would "never" find it. This specific switch uses the brass pulley system for cables and I was told that I could adapt another switch and use the plastic pulley system in worst case scenario.

Months passed by, but I remain relaxed and trusted Stu and Tom G. that I would find it. One day Stu emailed me his friend's, Bret R.'s, contact info stating he had my switch. I emailed Bret and low-and-behold he was willing to sell it to me. Stu also told me that the UK and Asian shops were getting in reproductions of the switches. Bret lived out of state, but his scooter gear was stored in the city I live in. A couple more months passed and I got an email from Bret telling me we could meet up and he would sell me the collar. The irony here is that BBS said I would never find it and Bret's scooter gear was located five blocks from my house -- walking distance. I paid Bret $40 for the original Italian switch.
I am not a purist, but I believe that staying as original as your wallet will let you is important. It's about the integrity of the bike in my eyes -- or the soul if you will.
If you are looking for Lammy parts go to the Lambretta Club of America's site and ask for help. BBS requires you to wear thick skin and not everyone who responds to you is truly an expert.
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