Sunday, 12 February 2012

A little french Vespa

This is a little toy from the 50's. According to the extremely interesting book "Vespa Forever" by Robin Davy and Mika Hahn, this Vespa for children was made between 1951 and 1959 by the french firm F. Beuzen Sordet (BS) in Paris. Made of plastic and 11 cm in length and the height is 4,5 cm. Some even had a figure ridning the Vespa, of the "Roman Vacanzes" variety.
It was also licensed to various makers in France, Belgium, Spain and Germany.
I found mine in a shop for collector's toys, some years ago. The vendor said that he had acquired from the first owner. Unfortunately no box!
The right side of the handlebar has dropped a little, otherwise it's in good shape.
BTW, the "Vespa Forever" has the sub-title "Collectibles from around the world" and covers "everything" asscociated with Vespas, except the acutal scooters. About 270 pages in glorious colour of items longing for...

Marked with B.S. for Beuzen Sordet.

1 comment:

  1. I found one in a swedish antic fair but the steering was missing, it was cheap but , missing steering.
