Since the former owner started som restoring I had to keep on going. The cowl for the engine side had a small crack in the middle at the bottom. I've seen a similar crack on another Vespa 125 Utiliaria. Maybe a weak spot?
After sanduíng, some filler and more sanding I applied a primer.
The gills of the fan cowl was long gone. Luckily I had spare which was found in the ground to a house that was restored. A neighbour stopped the houseowner from throwing it at the dump. According to the colour the fan cowl is from a 1951-1952 Vespa 125 (V15-V33).

Pronto! All the cowls painted. Yes, you can see the mismatch of colours even in the picture. The "old" blue colour is matte, the new is to shiny. I tried matching by ordering matting agents to the new paint but that was even worse. We'll see...
Ho avuto grossi problemi ricevendo il nuovo colore per abbinare il vecchio.
Il cofano a fan trovato sotto una casa, e da un altro modello, un 125 da 1951-1952.
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