We should be used to the wind and rain in SW Vic, but it has rained non stop here since last Thursday night. It has been blowing a gale as well so definately not scooter weather. I don't feel so bad when it's like that and Lola is in sickbay.
The engine is actually close to being in one piece again.
The engine is actually close to being in one piece again.
I have to buy a few goodies first thing tomorrow but should be able to finish her this week. I have a mate calling around one night to work through the CDI wiring with me as the original wiring was such a cock up, we couldn't even use the wiring charts. Not only that, but the previous owner had told me it was a "new wiring loom", what do you think??
That's dirt you can see , dropped out of the shrink tube when I cut it open. There were so many joins in this wiring I'm surprised it worked. This is the wiring leading to the rear light.
So, it's time for the CDI Wiring Headache (I had been putting it off!)

First I got the placement right and then set about making rubber gaskets for the body and drilling holes for attaching to body as well as to reroute wiring. Note the hole above the rubber backing-this is where the wiring leads into the body cavity under the fuel tank. From here all wires can be joined to the main loom and can be taken out the right side to the junction box and join wires coming from the new stator.

Note the black cable here is the rear indicator connection from the handlebars. This was moved also.
Feeding wires out through existing wiring loom hole on engine side. All these wires will be going to the Junction Box, existing Coil and new Stator plate.

Now, where did I put that engine??

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